Friday, July 22, 2011

Sllicon Beach: My first post

In 1990 I moved from NYC to Sillicon Valley the Mecca at the time for software computer techies like me. I worked in Sillicon Valley until the fall of 1993 when I married the late Caryn Shalita and moved to LA. LA at the time was beginning its transition from being part of the Southern California military industrial technology world. The transformation is now complete. A recent article said there are almost as many startups in LA as in Silicon Valley and they are now calling this area Silicon Beach. My recent phone calls and interview schedule reflects this new tech boom where I live. I have at least one phone interview if not multiple, every single week day for the last few weeks, and I have had a growing number of in person interviews as well. I have yet to find the right fit, but there is so much going on I am far from discouraged. For the past year I have been involved with a yet unfunded startup and working projects for a media boutique but I am now looking actively for something more sustainable and expect to jump in full time to a well funded entity breaking new ground in web X.0 or mobile rather soon.
A lot of these entities are giving me tech interviews in the form of tests. Haven't taken this many tests since I graduated college over 20 years ago. Not loving the tests but certainly getting more comfortable with them, and its helping me to see who I'd like working with and for and who not.
A few of the jobs are telecommuting possibilities by design, so although I may start work any day now, I still may not be headed into an office anytime soon.
Law of Attraction based life coaching. Apply the Law of Attraction practically in your life

Thursday, July 21, 2011

India April 2007

I am connecting with photographers from all around the world on the new Google+ so I wanted to share some of my best photos with them. Thought I'd share them with you too, and for those who were with me on that trip or who have seen them a reminder. One of these is on display in Greentree Meditation Center in Venice CA, and two are on display in the Double Bay Meditation Center in Double Bay, New South Wales in Australia. Enjoy.

KaleidArt at The Venice Art Crawl

Starting last October I began participating in the Venice Art Crawl. Its the third thursday of every month. Getting out and overcoming whats left of my shyness and acting like an extrovert artist to sell my art is definitely new to me. And has been a journey over the 10 of these I've now done. Tonight I gave out the most cards, heard the best response so far, got my picture taken for a future article on Art Crawl hot spots and sold 5 fridge magnets. I also sold a piece by accident. A fellow artist knocked over my easel during setup and agreed to pay me to replace the piece, which had its mounting crack. This at first got my vibration down, but I managed to raise it because the rest of the good things happened towards the end of the night. Things are looking up for me on all fronts. More on this tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The post stepping down drama , but not my drama

Within a few hours of leaving the meetup drama ensued. Why am I posting this? its an easy blog entry and is related to yesterday's first post. This was not my drama and did not effect me, I was just a witness to it. The remaining members of the group began a succession drama. Who would take over? and what would the group become in my absence? This has nothing to do with me and is not about my vibration I'm leaving. But the change of me pulling the rug out from under the group was contrast. I think some of the expansion will help me as people will see they want my advice/guidance once they experience the new meetings, and come to me for one on one coaching. But a lot of it was about the group co creating a new meeting based on their preferences.

So within a few hours someone stepped up, based on seeing the announcement from that the The Santa Monica/Venice Abraham Hicks Meetup Group was going to be deleted if an organizer didn't step up. This individual runs his own Law of Attraction meetup already and wanted to fold the meetup I just abandoned into his. His meetup is based on his own teachings influenced by Abraham as well as other metaphysical teachers, and his practice as a clinical psychologist. But the group title has Abraham Hicks in it and is under the category Abraham Hicks. His own group is under the Law of Attraction category, a broader category that really allows for personal teaching, as well as other authors interpretations beyond the Hick's. This caused some serious upheaval. Oh yeah and he wanted to charge $10 a person for each meeting, which I think rattled more people then the shift in subject matter

This was the email drama I woke to today. Happily the emails directed to me were just appreciation for my years of facilitating the meeting and wishing me well in my new endeavors. But I was blind CC'd on some emails to this Dr. Ray guy. And saw his emails to the group at large doing his best to straighten things out which included one of the less flattering emails he got from a member of the group. In the end I was inspired to send him an email telling him that I was staying out of it and letting Law of Attraction handle it, but that I did have a preference I was not attached to that I would express to him and he could take it or leave it. His response to my email, that he was going to let those interested know about the group he already led, and then step down. Within minutes of his relinquishment of control a member of my original group stepped up. Her email to the group didn't emphasize that she was going to keep it purely Abraham-Hicks based but that it would continue to be FREE. This seem to support my thinking that his charging of $10 was a bigger issue then the new content, and it supported my leaving to pursue getting paid for my coaching. People have told me leading the free group could attract clients to my paid coaching but I was beginning to believe that the community coming to my free meetings was a little lack focused and wouldn't "pay for the cow if they could get the milk for free." I saw that I'd have to leave that environment so I could see past those particular lackful people and manifest paying clients as well, as to push those who really were coming for my wisdom to realize they needed to pay to get the best of me as a coach. Having one of those people as I saw as one of the lack oriented ones step up to lead the group just seem to support my decision

Since this morning I received two emails that really helped get me in a great mood and supported my decision to move beyond hosting the monthly free meeting and stepping up to be paid for my coaching. One was from a long standing member who became a co-organizer at one point telling me to ignore the drama, and that he and his partner really supported my decision, that I'd make a wonderful one on one coach, and that members of the group would be seeking my paid counsel soon after not being able to get it for free anymore. And the second was from writer who is an acquaintance and Facebook friend. She and I have yet to meet. We were introduced by a mutual real world friend, so that I could consult on a script she was writing for a screen play. The screenplay involved the Netscape IPO, deadheads and the death of Jerry Garcia, which happened the same week as the Netscape IPO. I am a former deadhead of sorts as well as a former employee of Netscape although I got there shortly after the IPO. I read her screenplay and gave her feedback she said was very helpful. The email she wrote to me today involved my life coaching was auspicious in its timing, it supported my decision and brought up a future project she would like to involve me in. All is well.

Ask and it is Given
Law of Attraction based life coaching. Apply the Law of Attraction practically in your life

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My Journey

Today after 5+ years of hosting the Santa Monica/Venice Abraham-Hicks Meetup, I stepped down. The main reason was to tell the Universe I'm done coaching for free, and want to be paid for my coaching.  This was the message I sent to the group

After 5+ years as the organizer of the once a month Saturday Santa Monica/Venice Abraham Hicks Meetup I am no longer a vibrational match.
I have expanded beyond hosting this particular group in my home. I am not leaving the greater Los Angeles Abraham community, but I have expanded beyond hosting of this all levels, all welcome format.
It has been wonderful hosting. The community is flourishing, and I have met many wonderful people who have become my friends , my LOA, Abraham family.
There are many spin off groups not hosted on meetup, as well as a few Abraham meetups hosted in other parts of town so members will still get their Abraham fix here in LA even without this particular meetup being hosted by me.  The other possibility is that one of you can  become a organizer before the 15 days are up so when its time to renew the dues you could pay the dues, retain the membership list, and  find one or more new locations to host keeping this meetup intact.

On a perosnal note besides continuing to attend some of the other more private Abraham spinoff groups I will continue to attend as an equal member, I am going to be expanding my coaching and teaching. I have recently sent out a few emails to this group letting members know of my one on one Abraham/Law of Attraction based life coaching where I help guide you to your own guidance and help you release resistance getting out of your own way to manifest your dreams. In addition I will be creating via meetup a series of more in depth multi-week paid workshops to teach about LOA as I interpret it via the Abraham teachings, and to continue to help people release their resistance in a group setting.  If you are interested in my one on one coaching or my future workshops please contact me at

Thank You so much for participating in these monthly meetings and my expansion.

Richard Yaker

My websites

It will be 6 years in November since my late wife Caryn Amy Shalita passed away due to complications from some unknown illness (they couldn't even determione it in her autopsy). A daily meditation practice and the Law of Attraction as taught by Jerry and Esther Hicks is what got me through that tragedy.  So two months later when an opportunity to step up and become the leader of a meetup group devoted to the Hicks' teachings appeared I took it. It soon became apparent I really got the teachings and even before her death I was told I was an old soul with wisdom, so coaching came naturally. At first charging for my advice wasn't even on my mind, but people started to tell me I was good at it and I should charge. I've helped  quite a few people since then but still the number of paying clients hasn't manifested the way my talent for coaching implies it should. SO as a step towards that I've given up my outlet for free coaching. Lets see how it goes.

That said on my site Http:// you can find my phone number if you are local to LA, and wish to setup a one on one appointment and a button for an online service with an 800 number to do remote phone coaching sessions if you don't live close enough to come sit on the opposite end of my coach from me.